Inheriting An Old House? Get A Structural Inspection Done

When our loved ones pass away, they often give away their belongings in a way that benefits us. However, what may seem like a gift can be a real lemon if they give you a house with structural damage. That's why it is critical to hire a structural inspection service if you are about to inherit a pretty old house. Inheriting An Old House Can Be A Big Risk [Read More]

3 Tips for Making Money and a Plan After Being Fired

Being fired can throw you into a tizzy and leave you scrambling. If you have very little savings, you will need to get on the ball with making money immediately. This can be a catch-22 because jumping into a new job that you are not sure about can put your employment in jeopardy in the long run. What you will need to do is make money and make a plan. Here are three tips for getting things together after you lose your old job. [Read More]

3 Tips When Starting Your Own Business

When you need to be sure that you are able to go off into a venture that can change your life and ensure that you are in control, there's no better opportunity than starting your own business. Becoming your own boss can give you the opportunity to take control of your finances, while also having more control over your personal life. With this in mind, take advantage of these tips below so that your foray into business ownership is both successful and fruitful. [Read More]

Afraid Your Employees Are Going To Strike? 4 Ways You Can Mitigate Your Damages

In 2016, major strikes cost employers more than 1.54 million days in productivity as workers remained idle. Keep in mind that this number only represents major strikes—numerous other strikes involving work forces smaller than 1,000 also occurred. Although the number of strikes is down overall, a striking workforce is still a huge concern for many employers because even a short strike can cost a lot of money. Fortunately, there are things you can do to mitigate your damages if your work force does strike. [Read More]