Two Tips To Avoid Moisture Damage In Storage

If you live in a rainy or humid climate, you may be concerned about moisture and its effect on stored items. This can be especially true if you are storing items in a storage unit where you can't monitor the environment on a daily basis. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect your stuff. Consider implementing some of the following strategies if you rent a self-storage unit. #1: Opt for the most protected unit [Read More]

Supplies You Might Need When You Move Your Belongings into a Self-Storage Facility

You'll need a lot of packing supplies when you move your household belongings into storage. Your things should be packed properly because they have to survive the drive to the storage facility and back. Plus, they need to be protected while they wait in the storage unit. Whether you'll be using the self-storage facility for a short while or for the long term, you want to pack your things in a similar manner to the way you pack when you're moving. [Read More]

How An Enclosed Cargo Trailer Could Benefit Your Handyman Business

If you're thinking of starting a handyman business, don't forget to think of a way to haul around all the tools and supplies you'll need. As a handyman, you'll do a wide variety of jobs, and you want all your tools readily available. While you could keep everything in the bed of your truck, a better option might be to buy an enclosed cargo trailer. Here's why a trailer is an ideal choice for your business. [Read More]

A Water Conditioner Is A Convenient Solution For Eliminating Hard Water Problems

If your shower tile has a scaly white film that looks a little like salt, then it's probably from hard water. Hard water is a frustrating problem because it makes you work harder to keep your house sparkling clean. A light film forms on everything that gets wet frequently, and the film can build over the years if the surface isn't cleaned, such as happens inside a water pipe or appliance like a clothes washer. [Read More]